My, but those Newburyport-ers were verbose. Here is the bizarre and prolix epitaph of Mary McHard:
Sacred to the Memory
the virtuous & amiable Consort of
of NewburyPort who amidst the
laudable exertions of a very useful
& desireable Life in which her
Christian Profession was well adorned
and a fair copy of every social vir-
tue displayed was in a state of
health suddenly summoned to
the Skies and snatched from ye eager
embraces of her friends (and the
throbbing hearts of her disconso-
late family confessed their fairest
prospects of sublunary bliss were
in one moment dashed) by swal-
lowing a pea at her own table,
whence in a few hours she sweetly
breathed her Soul away into her
SAVIOUR'S arms on the 8th day
of March A.D. 1780 AEtatis 47.
Photo available at A Very Grave Matter.
I attempted to get my own photo, but the Newburyport cemetery is a weird, west-facing cemetery with lots of trees and I was never able to figure out the right lighting.
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