Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Grackle

 Any bird lovers out there? I'm trying to identify this bird, which I spotted in Charlestown, MA at the end of August. I've been told that it is a grackle, and that seems to be right, though it is more iridescent on the wing and less blue around the collar than the common grackle. Is it just a particularly flashy individual or is it a particular variety? It looks like a great-tailed grackle, but this map says that the great-tailed grackle doesn't live in New England. Any suggestions?

If I were a grackle, I would definitely maximize my spookiness by living in an old graveyard. This is a grackle with style.

Also, if it helps with identification, here is a pic of the bird it was hanging out with, which I assumed was a female grackle:

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